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This guide assumes you have already setup NestJS and Prisma. See Getting Started if you haven't.

  1. Install nestjs-prisma-crud and nestjs-prisma-crud-schematics:

    npm i nestjs-prisma-crud --savenpm i nestjs-prisma-crud-schematics --save-dev
  2. Register the module:

    import { PrismaCrudModule } from 'nestjs-prisma-crud';
    @Module({    imports: [        /**         *  PrismaCrudModule registers the PrismaService provider globally.         *  No need to provide it anywhere else!         */        PrismaCrudModule.register({            prismaService: PrismaService,        }),    ],    // ...})export class AppModule {}
  3. Generate the entire crud module with the following command (replace post with your table's name from your Prisma schema):

    nest g -c nestjs-prisma-crud-schematics crud-resource post
  4. Start the server and verify installation:

    npm run start:devcurl http://localhost:3000/post # 200 response json object