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Custom Policies

The AccessPolicy decorator supports more complex policies custom made for your specific use cases.

A policy is any function with the following signature:

type PolicyMethod = (ctx: ExecutionContext, authData: any, moduleRef: ModuleRef) => void;

A short summary of what the parameters mean:

  • ctx: ExecutionContext: useful when the request object is needed for your business logic. See NestJS execution context for more.
  • authData: any: the user's metadata generated by your authentication middleware. Commonly used for accessing user/session information. Retrieved using authDataKey.
  • moduleRef: ModuleRef: commonly used when accessing injected dependencies such as PrismaService inside your policy functions. See NestJS module reference.



Examples below only seek to illustrate the custom policies capabilities.

The features themselves would likely be implemented differently in practice!!

JohnnyIsBanned Policy#

This is an example of a simple static policy that throws 403 errors for the user named Johnny.


import { ExecutionContext, ForbiddenException } from '@nestjs/common';import { ModuleRef } from '@nestjs/core';
export const JohnnyIsBanned = (ctx: ExecutionContext, authData: any, moduleRef: ModuleRef) => {    if ( === 'Johnny') {        throw new ForbiddenException('Bye Johnny!');    }};


@Controller('party')export class PartyController {    // ...    @Get()    @AccessPolicy('everyone', JohnnyIsBanned)    async getParties(@Query('crudQuery') crudQuery: string) {        const match = await this.partyService.findMany(crudQuery);        return match;    }}

BannedPeople Policy#

This takes the same idea of the previous example, but now we have a function that receives a list of names to ban, and returns a PolicyMethod.


import { ExecutionContext, ForbiddenException } from '@nestjs/common';import { ModuleRef } from '@nestjs/core';
export const BannedPeople = (bannedNames: string[]) => (    ctx: ExecutionContext,    authData: any,    moduleRef: ModuleRef,) => {    if (bannedNames.includes( {        throw new ForbiddenException('You are not alone Johnny!');    }};


@Controller('party')export class PartyController {    // ...    @Get()    @AccessPolicy('everyone', BannedPeople(['Johnny', 'Danny']))    async getParties(@Query('crudQuery') crudQuery: string) {        const match = await this.partyService.findMany(crudQuery);        return match;    }}

DbBannedPeople Policy#

This example takes the same idea of the previous, but queries the database instead of using a hard coded list.


import { ExecutionContext, ForbiddenException } from '@nestjs/common';import { ModuleRef } from '@nestjs/core';
export const DbBannedPeople = (ctx: ExecutionContext, authData: any, moduleRef: ModuleRef) => {    const prismaService = moduleRef.get(PrismaService, { strict: false });    const bannedPeople = prismaService.bannedPeople.findMany();
    if (bannedPeople.includes( {        throw new ForbiddenException('You have been banned!');    }};


@Controller('party')export class PartyController {    // ...    @Get()    @AccessPolicy('everyone', DbBannedPeople)    async getParties(@Query('crudQuery') crudQuery: string) {        const match = await this.partyService.findMany(crudQuery);        return match;    }}

HideDrafts Policy (extending crudQuery)#

In this section we are going to write a policy that modifies the final prisma query, by extending the client's provided crudQuery and adding additional constraints to it.

This technique is extremely useful when a user must be granted access to only a subset of records from a given table. It ensures that we scope the client's access while not breaking the requested sorting/filtering/pagination.

Below is a policy that only retrieves non-draft parties from the database. The highlighted additionalConstraints can be any prisma filter object .


import { ExecutionContext } from '@nestjs/common';import { ModuleRef } from '@nestjs/core';import { CrudQuery } from 'nestjs-prisma-crud';
export const HideDrafts = (ctx: ExecutionContext, _authData: any, _moduleRef: ModuleRef) => {    // get crudQuery from the request's query params    const request = ctx.switchToHttp().getRequest();    const query = request.query;    const crudQuery: string = query.crudQuery;
    // get client provided `.where`, if any    const parsedCrudQuery: CrudQuery = crudQuery ? JSON.parse(crudQuery) : {};    const clientWhere = parsedCrudQuery.where || {};
    // additionalConstraints is any valid prisma filter object    const additionalConstraints = { state: { not: 'DRAFT' } };
    // override client `.where`, adding the additional `AND` clause    parsedCrudQuery.where = {        AND: [additionalConstraints, clientWhere],    };
    request.query.crudQuery = JSON.stringify(parsedCrudQuery);};


@Controller('party')export class PartyController {    // ...    @Get()    @AccessPolicy('everyone', HideDrafts)    async getParties(@Query('crudQuery') crudQuery: string) {        const match = await this.partyService.findMany(crudQuery);        return match;    }}